Like most travelers I know, I have a tendency to love reading while I'm waiting for the plane and so I have a tendency to buy books I don't actually want to read in over priced post-security-screening book stores (which also sell a plethora of traveling "necessities" you didn't know you could possibly ever need).
Needless to say, the purchases from these desperate attempts of entertainment sit on my shelf of books I refer to as the books that "I really, really, truly mean to finish reading soon. Really. I mean it. Soon. After I finish this book series that makes me want to forget how to read."
I've got a lot of traveling to do this winter, and I could really use to have a book that can keep my interest after I land too. So I took advantage of a book shopping opportunity this weekend. It's not often that my brother suggests heading in to a book store with me. I'm not that much of a shopper - I'm more of a get in, find what I need and get out kind of shopper- but a good used book store can keep me entertained for hours. So when my brother suggested the Book House, I prepared for a multi hour excursion with tough decisions. (Oh my gosh! They do have that book I've been putting off buying! Oh and look they have that book I lost last month... oh crap, I think I found $60 worth of books I want. I have bills to pay. UGH!!! What goes back?)
The Book House is just what it says it is. It's a house full of books. Literally. It's a house that is so full of books it can be hard to turn around. Two stories of house converted into a literary hub. In short, it's amazing. It's what I sometimes fear my house will turn into.
So, I picked up a few books as a result of a few hours there. The books I've been meaning to buy for a while, but somehow just didn't. It's hard to pass up $5.00 for a book you've been meaning to read for a year.
Typically, I'm not a big sci-fi fan. I don't do the whole time-traveling / alternate universe / robots / aliens / space thing. My idea of sci-fi is a group of elves, dwarfs and short people running around a Nordic ideal of earth. But, with my love of Doctor Who and several years of hearing that Jack Finney is amazing, I'm diving into a new world of sci-fi. I'm buffering myself with Isaac Asimov. I read Asimov forever ago (sixth grade!) and loved him, but didn't care for sci-fi so I never kept up on it.
All in all, it looks like I've found my reading material for the winter. Here's hoping I found well.