Thursday, July 09, 2009

Rockin' the Suburbs

My right ear is still ringing.

Went to the Paramore/ No Doubt concert last night with Von. It was amazing. Paramore was better than I was assuming they would be, but as usual if you go in with low expectations.... So I was impressed.

No Doubt was truely awesome. Gwen is an awesome showman, and the rest of the band keeps up, together it was a show that was worth every cent I paid to go and sweat my butt off in this heat. I was amazed by how much of their music I closely associated with my youth. I mean, it's No Doubt... I knew I know a lot of their stuff and I knew I would go "Oh I remember when this came out" but I never realized how much of their music matched moments in my life and still fits, almost more so now than ever. "Simple Kind of Life" in particular is an amazing truth of what I wanted and where I wound up. Maybe if I had listened to Gwen things would be different, maybe.

That aside. There were some really dedicated fans behind us on the lawn. People who wistled so loudly I felt my ear drums rattle, blood vesels rupture and I fought the urge to turn around and smack them. I'm all for yelling at concerts (in fact I'm proud of how loud the St. Louis crowd gets for Hanson, I take it as a badge of honor that they released songs recorded in St. Louis to their fan club) but when you're loud enough that people in front of you plug their ears and duck when you start to whistle/scream you might need to redirect that sound. I can still hear ringing in my ear and it still hurts. Thanks people behind me. And thanks for complaining loudly that it was the longest encoure you've ever seen and leaving before the last song. I was able to enjoy "Sunday Morning" much more without you there.

I'm dreaming of other concerts this summer (Cheap Trick, Styx, Trace Adkins, Weezer) but I know I can't afford it. So next summer when my life settles down I'll have more time and money for these shows, for now I await the next Vandeventer concert in Tulsa.

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