Monday, May 17, 2010

Game Plans and baby steps.

There's a problem with game plans... the things in life that require good quality well thought out game plans are the ones that require a lot of waiting.

The game plan for paying off debt, for finishing school, for moving, for buying a car or even for getting a better job all require a well planned and well executed game plan. I can write out a game plan. I can even sit down and figure out what's realistic and what's going to require me to win the lottery to make it happen. I write it all out, and then I take the first step and then I get to wait. Wait for the next pay check, for August, for another month or two for leases to be open, wait for a down payment to build up... and wait for everything else to wrap up before I go chase the job.  

Waiting sucks. Waiting makes other people think that you aren't trying, and just to be clear... I'm trying but it's a matter of baby steps.  Painfully slow and tiny baby steps. Sigh.

Songs that make the daily battle a little bit easier:
Sherwood : Best In Me

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