Friday, June 25, 2010

I stayed behind so you'd miss me.

I'm finding myself breaking away from people. I'm distancing myself almost purposefully at this point. I spend so much time by myself in this corner desk of mine that I find myself uncomfortable around people. For someone as verbose and gregarious as I am that's a scary thought.
It's had some benefits. Don't get me wrong. It's afforded me the chance to stay home most nights and actually save some money. It's allowed me to select which friends I want to spend my energy on, rather than feel like I have to talk to the people in my life who don't have anything in common with me. Love is fuller. Loneliness is quieter.

Still, I think I'm rounding the corner where I either find some interaction with people or I'm bound to become the crazy cat lady. Ah the crazy cat lady. Just a lady who has no idea how to handle people but can handle cats... true I'd be the crazy dog lady. I can't handle cats either.

Song for the day: For Today by Jessica Lea Mayfield


  1. I have felt the exact same way latley. I feel so bad because I have been ignoring a certain person from Tulsa's calls, and spending the time talking to others that I feel like I have more in common with.
    So all I have to say to this is Ditto.
    Can't wait to see you this August! :o)

  2. Chances are if I follow correctly, I just ended my friendship with that certain someone. For good.
