Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Truth shall leave you bruised

Randomness from this weekend:

The thing about telling people the truth is that it usually hurts. It's necessary and it's ultimately helpful, but the moment we start to do it... it's not a pretty site. 

If you don't want people to treat you like a child, you shouldn't act like one.

Good people make concerts worth while.

Meeting up with people you don't often talk to is usually worth it.

Following through on promises can make people really happy, encouraged and feel loved.

Not following through on promises can make people really hurt, disappointed and feel unloved.

Some things will never change no matter how much we want them to.

Words hurt. Even the words you didn't really mean to say and wish you can take back can cut just as fast and as deep as the words you choose with care.

Song for the weekend:
No Better by Sherwood

1 comment:

  1. hmmmmmmmmmmm . . . true very true and I'm sorry for some of that
    Have I told you lately your awesome and cute and fun to hang out with? Your friends are lucky :-)
