Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What If I Fall?

The week home from California has been one ripe with conflicts. Not only my own but also those of friends and family. 
While many of us have figured out how to look in the mirror and see our own flaws and faults, too many of us have forgotten how to forgive ourselves for our own mistakes and forgive others for repeating the same mistake.
It's alright that we've made mistakes, we haven't failed until we refuse to learn and let go.

The song for the day is "What If I Stumble" by DC Talk.

1 comment:

  1. "It's alright that we've made mistakes, we haven't failed until we refuse to learn and let go."

    You're absolutely right, and it's a victory if we can remember that in the moment of the mistake so that we aren't so hard on ourselves. And, no matter what happens...

    ...we can usually get a lesson and a story out of it.
