Sunday, October 03, 2010


Yesterday I met up with a friend I really should talk to more often for a barbeque to celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of the fall. I thought of grabbing the camera but put it down to instead rejoice in being fully in the moment of it. In hind sight, I should have grabbed the camera. 
Jen's home is lovely. Despite the number of men who spend their free time hanging around the living room playing the Playstation 3 (which is pretty sweet) she's managed to make a really cozy and welcoming home (complete with Hanson and Michael Jackson decor - and really anyone who knows her knows that it wouldn't be her house without).  That alone would have been cause enough for a few great pics, but the view driving to her house was breath taking.
The drive takes me through the north county of St. Louis (translate that as "the ghetto") and upward in to what works out to be undeveloped land. Nothing but wooded marshes lining the Mississippi. It was breath taking.  
It's left me ready for another road trip this November, south again to Tulsa. The wooded hills at sunset is what calls me to the road. It's a trip worth while when on the other side is a friend or dozen and a good cup of coffee.
Jen's barbecue was amazing. Mad props to Dan for the skill on the grill. Between the grill and the muffin chocolate chip cookies we can forgive Ethan's terrible rapping.
Song of the Day: The Ladder by Andrew Belle

The writer of one of my favorite blogs got bored one weekend and with some help from her roommates whipped up that music video. The song's been stuck in my head since I saw the video, it's a great by product of reading a blog. :)

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