Sunday, August 29, 2010


Lately, I've been thinking about balance. Balance of everything from balancing a check book, to balancing quiet time and a social life, friends and boyfriends, and balancing passions.

It's amazing how difficult the balance can be. 

Balancing the check book is really tough to do when all you want to do is rent a car and travel a few hundred miles to see friends and a few bands on tour, and in stead you find yourself sitting at home thinking about all the albums you're not buying that you desperately want to. The quiet voice in the back of your head saying "Don't buy it... seriously, don't buy it" gets quieter and quieter... 

Balancing quiet time and the social life is dangerous to screw up. Too much of a social life and you start to lose yourself in the mix. Too much quiet (alone, or me) time and you forget how to be social in the first place.

Balancing friends and other relationships is equally difficult. Screw that up and someone is bound to feel neglected and you can watch as your friends turn on their heels and walk away.

Balancing passions is just about as crucial. One passion will burn bright and fast while the others sputter out and stifle out. 

But here at the end of the summer, at the end of August, at the anniversary of the deaths of two of the women I most want to emulate, I'm thinking about this balance.  And just how strong a person has to be to maintain it.

Song for the day: Broken Bells - "The High Road"

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